An Unforgettable Experience of Yinan
Our third day began wITh a tour to visIT the rural village of Zhu Jialin(朱家林生态艺术社区). IT was once one of the poorest villages due to the youth migrating into cITies wITh the elderly being left behind, thus the area has been faced wITh an economic decline. However, IT is slowly experiencing economic growth.
The village has been under construction for two years as the old houses are being remodeled and new addITions are being built for the purpose of improving the life of the locals and to attract tourists to help revITalize the economy. At this village, one can admire and purchase local crafts hand made by the villagers such as clothing, pottery, kITchenware, shoes and hats using tradITional methods.
Following was a visIT to Movie Base(沂蒙红色影视基地). An old village that has been in existence for over 1,000 years,many films and TV dramas have been filmed in this location. As visITors walk the cobblestone streets in the village and view the buildings and castle, one is instantly taken back in time.
Next we visITed the Buddhist temple known as the Temple of the Goddess of Mercy(马泉创意农业休闲园-大观音寺). Nestled into the mountain side, the temple's deep yellow hue is welcoming to all who see IT. Grand statues of Buddha and other dieties are on display for worship and reverance and a magnificent representation of the Goddess of Mercy, wITh her one thousand hands and eyes, is waITing for prayers from the faIThful.
The smell of incense and the sound devoutly prayers and chants heighten this spirITual experience. When one enters the temple, men step over the scaffold wITh their left leg first followed by their right while women start wITh their right leg followed by their left leg. IT is important to note that no pictures are to be taken inside the temple as a sign of respect.
After the temple visIT we found ourselves in the remote village of Zhuquan(竹泉村). The quaint and peaceful village is nestled wIThin a forest of bamboo trees and is surrounded by water. WIThin the village is a large fountain containing statues of the Chinese zodiac. If one rubs the head of their Chinese zodiac animal wITh water IT will bring good luck and prosperITy for a year.
Our trip concluded wITh a relaxing evening at the luxurious Hot Springs(智圣汤泉). Guests will leave feeling pampered as there are numerous types of hot springs and saunas to choose from all containing a variety of health benefITs and personal massages are available upon request. A new hot spring featuring tradITional Chinese medicine will open early next year. There is also entertainment areas provided for children such as a water theme park and swimming pools. Guests can spend the night in a luxurious villa which houses a personal hot tub and massage bed and enjoy delicious Chinese cuisine prepared to perfection by master chefs. A night spent at this resort will leave you feeling renewed and refreshed in mind and body.
----Lindsy Marie Cantoni